Saturday, April 21, 2007

Boston Now

BostonNOW appears to be a print news product that sources blogs and "citizen journalists" for content.

BoingBoing commentary and reporting. Great quote to find again: "Print versions of blogs - their slogan should be 'Bringing you yesterday's news tomorrow.'"

Just a few notes now that I've had exactly 5 minutes to go back and look at this site.

-stories are not dated on the front page. Datelines are found at the bottom of each story

-there are a few older stories still being ranked as "front page" (French election, for example, under the World heading). This could just be because of the presentation scheme (stories perhaps ranked by readers? most recent comments? I'm not sure).

-I find the headlines and decks confusing and mostly useless (which could just mean I'm not Bostonian)

-There is precious little news evident under the World and Nation headings; in order to find news there, you have to navigate a "most popular tags" interface, so news is not presented, but rather placed so readers have to go looking for it

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