Friday, September 28, 2007

Image of an uprising (redux)

Here's an interesting situation. Above is the image that was run on the front page of the National Post. It depicts a protest scene in Burma/Myanmar. The Globe and Mail ran the same photo, but from a wider angle. Here is what the Post left out:

I haven't found a decent-sized version of the full image, but the man lying on his back (Kenji Nagai) appears to the right of the crowd being herded by security forces.

Mr. Nagai is a Japanese national who had just been shot by a soldier. He died as a result of his wounds. My guess is that this is the reason for his omission from the Page 1 image, but I'm throwing it out there to the masses for comment.

Edit: I found the photo.

Also: Links to two videos that show the incident (disturbing, but not gory). The first is courtesy of Times Online and is a Japanese news broadcast. The second comes through The Guardian and shows the incident from a different angle.


Anonymous said...

One news report I read said the man on the ground was a news photographer.

Jeromy Lloyd said...

Most reports I've read since agree, saying he was a photojournalist.